I was going to name this post, “The Runner Stumbles” or maybe “The Dieter Eats Cheesecake.” That’s the way it feels. I started blogging for several reasons. I wanted to learn about posting and embedding video. I love writing and I wanted to develop my craft and stretch myself artistically. Take that rusty bike, repair the wheels, oil the gears; put a playing card in the spokes and take her for a spin. (
That’s a metaphor) And I was doing it. I was writing consistently and having a blast. I could feel the creative juices flowing. People were reading my posts and being impacted by what I was writing. Some posts made them feel happy; some made them feel angry but it was an awesome experience to make people feel something. I was looking at unfinished projects with new interest. And then it happened; Cheesecake. You can relate can’t you? Maybe you’ve exercised three days a week for 3 months straight and something happens and you start sleeping late. You’ve lost 20 pounds and all of a sudden you realize you’re eating a Double Double and you the new jeans are fitting you tight. That’s how I feel about my writing. I was doing it. I had a hobby. To some extent, I had a dream or at least a daydream. The Oscar wasn’t in my hand, but I was making acceptance speeches in the shower again.
Like the rest of our busy lives, there isn't any one person or thing to blame. It’s no ONE's fault. Life happens. My life, which I still wouldn’t trade for anything, happens. Cheesecake. But I’m back. It’s not easy but I’m back. And the title of this post is appropriate. It’s not about the stumbling or the cheesecake. It’s about the action that is supposed to take place after the realization. It’s time to get back on that treadmill and work my way up to a marathon (
again, more metaphor). I’ve got to order the Double Double protein style instead of animal style and do something so that I don’t have to unpack the fat jeans. (
Okay, that’s not a metaphor.) I’ve got lots to say. I hope you’ll still be here to listen. I'm not done, yet.
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